
The desire for straight, beautiful teeth and a brilliant smile can be fulfilled in (almost) all cases regardless of the patient age within the framework of orthodontic therapy in our practices in Bad Homburg, Kronberg and Kelkheim.

Subgoals can be determined individually and the treatment is carried out with visible appliances (brackets), almost invisible aligners (CA®ClearAligner) or completely invisible lingual brackets. Complex jaw and tooth malformations are pretreated by our orthodontists and surgically corrected in the context of cooperation with maxillofacial surgeons.
After periodontal treatment, the teeth maintain their stability, but the tooth necks are still exposed. In these cases, we often observe tooth misalignements. Our orthodontists gently and carefully move these teeth back into the jaw bone offering them a longlasting and stable hold.

Before supplying individual teeth with fillings or dentures, we can improve the dental arch space by uprightening individual teeth. The jaw bone is carefully and painlessly widened by moving neighboring teeth bordering a gap. Moreover, tooth gaps can be harmoniously positioned on the dental arch so that an esthetically demanding prosthetic restauration with implants (artificial tooth roots), crowns, bridges or veneers is possible.